We give an award to the top sales guy, to the person with 25 years of service, to the truck driver with 1 million miles without a chargeable accident. We believe in the power of recognition. The why we do it may seem obvious, but it is a lot more than that.

We use recognition to:

  • Create a culture within the company that affects every attitude.

  • Say thanks and applaud success.

  • Teach others what we as an organization want to achieve.

  • Increase retention of employees.

  • Support Mission and Values.

  • Engage employees.

  • Encourage loyalty.

  • Increase customer satisfaction.

  • In summation, we believe in using recognition everyday to improve the bottom line. If that's important to you, then we're speaking the same language. Come with us on this journey.

    Take a look at the topics we have and see if we can help you with your recognition programs.

  • Need ideas for wording on an awards? See the Thesaurus.

  • Want to implement a sales award program but need to present the concept to management? Check out Sales Awards: An Overview.

  • Want to know the inside scoop on the Lombardi Trophy or the Oscars? Take a look at our ongoing series on Famous Awards.

  • Talk to us. We are here to help you.

    Thursday, January 28, 2010

    Super Bowl Rings

    The Super Bowl ring is an award in the National Football League given to the members of the winning team of the league's annual championship game, the Super Bowl.
    These rings are typically made of yellow or white gold with diamonds. They usually include the team name, team logo, and Super Bowl number (usually indicated in Roman numerals). The NFL pays for the cost of 150 rings to the winning team, at roughly $5,000 apiece, depending upon the fluctuating cost of gold and diamonds. The winning team can typically present rings to whomever they choose, including usually, but not limited to: players (active roster or injured), coaches, trainers, executives, personnel, and general staff. Some teams have also been known to give rings to former players, despite not having been on the winning roster.[1] Teams can distribute any number of rings, but must pay for any over the 150-ring limit.
    Many rings feature diamonds in the shape of the Vince Lombardi Trophy or a football. Some feature diamonds or gold in the shape of a team logo. Others illustrate the number of Super Bowls that franchise has won. Also, the rings are customized with the player's name and uniform number. 
    Replicas of the rings for various years are popular collectibles, along with genuine rings. Dave Meggett is known to have placed his ring for sale on eBay. Two Super Bowl rings from the 1970 Steelers sold on eBay for over $32,000 apiece in mid-2008.[2] Patriots safety Je'Rod Cherry raffled his ring from Super Bowl XXXVIin November 2008 to benefit several charities working to help children in Africa and Asia.[3]

    [edit]Most Super Bowl rings

    • Seven: One individual

      • Neal Dahlen[4]: five with San Francisco (Staff and Player Personnel) and two with Denver (General Manager)


    1. ^ Heard in the press box (in Pittsburgh)
    2. ^ "Steelers Super Bowl Rings Sold In Online Auction"WTAE-TV. July 21, 2008. Retrieved 2009-02-27.
    3. ^ "Je'Rod Cherry Super Bowl XXXVI Ring Raffle". Celebrities for Charities. Retrieved 2009-02-27.
    4. ^ Neal Dahlen
    5. ^ "Long-time scout Bill Nunn is a man who made a difference"Pittsburgh Steelers. February 27, 2007. Retrieved 2009-02-27.
    6. ^

    Super Bowl Ring Information from Wikipedia.

    Friday, January 15, 2010

    The Presentation of the Award: That Magic Moment!

    Recognition – It’s a Powerful Tool!

    Companies that have an employee recognition program in place have demonstrated that they know how powerful recognition can be as a leadership tool. It makes a statement to the employees about what is important to the business and what is valued by the leaders within the company. It is also one of the most effective ways to reinforce an organizations culture, support its objectives and retain top performers.

    An effective recognition program achieves the following:

    • Builds self-esteem

    • Reinforces desired behaviors

    • Helps create an atmosphere of appreciation and trust

    • Promotes empowerment and involvement

    • Creates loyalty to a company

    While recognition is important, the way you choose to recognize an associate plays a key role in the overall success of your program as well.


    It’s easy to create a meaningful and memorable event for you and the individual being recognized. You can make the occasion special by following these few simple steps:

    • Choose a location for the presentation

    • Decide who will be present

    • Prepare what you will say

    Where will the Presentation take place?

    Whether you are planning a formal or more casual presentation, the event is important and can be a powerful management tool toward developing increased commitment to the company’s vision and core values. You can recognize an associate at his or her work place, or, if desired, in a more formal setting such as a banquet hall. Whatever the setting, remember that this should be a special event for the associate and their peer group.

    Who should be present?

    Imagine training for long hours for a big race and then winning first place, only you aren’t allowed to tell anyone about your victory. Our achievements in life, no matter how small, are more meaningful to us when we share them with others. Keep this in mind when deciding who will be at the presentation. The event will have much more impact if the associate is recognized in front of his/her peers (and senior management and additional guests if a more formal presentation is planned). This generates excitement for others to also strive for the high goals of achievement and recognition.

    What will the presenter say?

    The most important thing to remember is that the presentation should be personal. Consider the following when preparing what you will say:

    • Address the associate by name

    • Research important information including years of service, accomplishments and contributions prior to the presentation

    • Share a work related short story or anecdote if appropriate. However, avoid embarrassing jokes or other comments that may make the associate uncomfortable

    • Communicate that it is an honor for you to have the opportunity to recognize him or her

    • Congratulate the associate, say “thank you” and shake his or her hand.

    Remember to make the presentation upbeat, fun and to the point. Your preparation will help make the event a memorable Magic Moment for all.

    Tuesday, January 12, 2010

    Bosses, show a little appreciation

    By KAREN MRACEK • GANNETT NEWS SERVICE • February 11, 2008

    For the employers who think a glass of eggnog and the uncomfortable small talk of the office party are enough to keep employees motivated all year long: Think again.
    Now that the holidays are over and employees are back to their four felt-covered cube walls, they need more encouragement than ever.
    "The key to successfully showing appreciation to employees — no matter how you do it — is that it is sincere, and not just done once a year," said Karen Rieck, human resources manager for the Iowa Bankers Association.
    Showing appreciation is a good way to beat the winter "it's-so-cold-I-can't-feel-the-keyboard" blues. It's also a good way to help squash the coup that will arise when employees realize how much their 401(k)s tanked last week.
    "Appreciation should be shown throughout the year - every day in the interactions between management, supervisors, co-workers, etc.," Rieck said.
    Appreciation also shouldn't be reserved for the biggest projects. Thank employees for doing their job every day, for showing up before noon, and even for not screwing up a project. After all, younger workers are said to need more affirmation for everything — isn't that right?
    The reason to show appreciation: It could mean the difference in the competitive war for talent.
    "With the availability of talent shrinking, and the differences in what people really want — based on culture, generation, status, etc., it is important for organizations to look at what their overall goal is when thinking of employee recognition," said Paula Hender, spokeswoman for Central Iowa chapter of the Society for Human Resources Management.
    Managers seem to be doing a pretty good job, if you trust the latest Adecco survey. A majority of employees surveyed, 56 percent, said they feel appreciated or very appreciated.
    That survey also shows that it is important to demonstrate appreciation for individual successes and not just for group accomplishments.
    "Many today feel that it is becoming more important to recognize at the individual level versus a one-stop shop for all," Hender said. "This mind-set may lead more organizations to move away from the big holiday party gathering and move to more individualized items or events."
    There are many ways to show appreciation, said Kristina Johnson, workplace consultant for Employee & Family Resources in Des Moines, Iowa. "The most effective way to show appreciation is with the recipient in mind," she said.
    Need some help thinking of ways to show your undying appreciation for your employees?
    Workbytes can help, along with the experts from the Central Iowa Society for Human Resource Management, or SHRM, chapter, who know way more than we do:
    Say thank you. These two little words are more important than "annual bonus." Not really, but with this economy, who has the money for bonuses? The words are free, easy and can turn someone's day around. "Some people find a verbal 'good job' more meaningful than tokens such as a gift card," Johnson said. "The best way is to ask employees what type of appreciation do they most value?"
    Send written notes, or (etiquette experts, look away) even an e-mail thank you. It's a nice surprise when someone actually takes the time to write down their thanks. An added bonus: People are so glad to get them, no one counts grammar and punctuation in thank you notes. Plus, it is something they can keep, or throw darts at when they have a bad day.
    Take someone to lunch. If your office is anything like The Des Moines Register's newsroom, free food is always a big hit. Do lunch without an agenda or any performance issues to talk about. It will really throw employees off. They let down their guard, and when they are done looking for hidden meanings, innuendos and land mines, they will feel like you care about them and their employment with your company.
    Trips around an exotic beach resort for the whole staff. Or at least treat them to a pina colada at the beach-themed bar down the street. Really, though, find something that employees can do together to celebrate a team effort.
    Carrie Theisen, a member of the local SHRM chapter, encourages managers to "get a committee together to determine how their specific group would like to celebrate."
    Give merchandise, gift cards, a certificate of attendance — something tangible that can be an outward sign of appreciation. So what if they dump the "Go Team Go" T-shirt as soon as they get home. Even some of the most cynical employees like to be recognized publicly. It gives them bragging rights with their co-workers, something to tell their spouse at the end of the day, and a goal to shoot for — the hooded "I love my boss" sweatshirt.
    It's important to find out which method would mean the most to your employees and just do it. "There are other ways to show appreciation to your team, but that will be different with each team," Theisen said. "Individuals have different ways they want to be recognized, and a holiday party may not be on their top 10 list."

    How is that made? Custom Awards: FORD

    Have you ever wondered how a custom award was made? We make lots of awards in our facility, but cast awards are made in a foundry. I know there is a perception that all awards come from the far east, out of some sweat shop as if by magic, but the reality is far from it. The best quality awards are made right here in the USA, by hand, and the process is complicated and elaborate. Check out the video from Ford of their top mechanics award: Ford Video, . The Bruce Fox Company is a factory making custom awards that is a partner of RCB Awards and has been for over 15 years. The process they describe in the video is a common one for cast awards made from a mold. The video walks through the whole process. Check it out. We use the foundry at Bruce Fox any time we have a cast award, as their mold makers are the best in the industry.

    What Gets Recognized Gets Done: Sears

    In the 1990's at Sears Roebuck, there was a position called Recognition Manager. The man that held the position was responsible for implementing all the recognition programs at Sears. These included on-the-spot recognition of associates, length of service recognition, marketing recognition programs, sales achievement programs and quality supplier programs. This, besides all the departmental programs and existing programs, had to be blended into a cohesive plan to meet certain goals and objectives.

    The first task when he was hired was to take an inventory of all the programs that Sears had. At the Hoffman Estates headquarters location alone, there were over 5,000 associates, with tons of embedded programs that had to be identified. Once done, the budget that was being spent across the company could be determined. This turned out to be a staggering number, since so many of these programs were department based out of what amounted to 'discretionary funds'. 

    His next task was to identify which programs had a positive ROI, and which programs were positive for team building and morale. It was not an across the board decision as to which would be kept and which would be discarded. The idea was to consolidate the entire package into a series of programs that could be measured by management and show a positive return. It was a huge undertaking and a number of toes were stepped on in the process, as some pet programs had to be eliminated. The good ones were kept around though, and new ones implemented. 

    One challenge, was to address the symbolic recognition that the Sears Tower service award pin represented. While the pin had great tradition, the tower had just been sold, it was unclear what the status of the name 'Sears Tower' was going to be, and the idea of annually presenting 35,000 lapel pins with the Sears Tower on them just wasn't going to work. The new design focused on the Three Compelling triangles, which was a reference to the company mission statement (adding value to Shareholders, Customers and Associates). It is always hard to break away from longstanding traditions, and many recognition programs at Sears were affected. Additionally, the company wanted to add something tangible to the symbolic recognition, and a gift program added to the service award pin was the result.

    The real challenge for the recognition manager at Sears, was to keep people engaged in the process. He needed them to buy into the bigger picture of what Sears was trying to do.  This was difficult, as many department managers had very good programs that they had implemented at the local level, and they were not eager to let go of them. On the global scale, some of the programs like the quality supplier recognition called Partners In Progress, were hugely successful. They recognized the top 2% of the suppliers to the Sears product line. To receive one of these awards as a supplier was a huge accomplishment. The very top 12-20 suppliers received the coveted Baccarat Crystal Tower on a custom base. The rest of the quality suppliers received a top of the line plaque with the Three Compelling triangles pressed into a metal medallion made from a mold. The program was very prestigious and received with much fanfare.

    Sears evolved. Management changed. People created different focus. The roots of many of the success stories at Sears are founded in the roots of the recognition organization, and the sign on the recognition manager's desk: What Gets Recognized, Gets Done. 

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    The Role of Longevity Award Programs in a Comprehensive Recognition Strategy

    by Steven Geiger, Ph.D., and Doug Kitrell

    Longevity awards are still a powerful employee recognition tool, in spite of the culture of uncertainty resulting from such radical change efforts as downsizing and reengineering. Nearly 90 percent of the companies responding to a recent survey said they still offer longevity awards. Only six percent of the respondents have cut or reduced such programs since 1990.

    With employee tenure on a downward trend, however, HR professionals are questioning the benefits of longevity awards. As a result, a new recognition model is emerging that focuses less on the awards themselves than on how to make such awards more meaningful to the recipients. In the new model, longevity programs comprise one component of a comprehensive recognition strategy that more effectively addresses the needs of changing organizations.

    The purpose of this paper is to examine how companies can measurably increase employees' satisfaction with longevity award programs by integrating these programs with other employee recognition efforts.

    Why Longevity Awards Are Still Important
    In light of the changing employer-employee contract, employees are encouraged to leverage every activity to add value, to work more productively and flexibly, and to learn continually. (2) Workers are advised not to expect career-long employment, but instead to consider themselves entrepreneurs regardless of who pays them. In fact, the average tenure with a company is now less than five years, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics. (3)
    In such an environment, one might think that employee longevity is no longer important, and that longevity awards are no longer as useful as they were in the past. Just the opposite is true, however, for two primary reasons: Employee longevity is critical to organizational success; and a culture of recognition promotes longer employee tenure.
    Employee longevity is critical to organizational success.
    Employee longevity has never been more important. Among the reasons are these:
    • Employee longevity is required in order to learn complex tasks. In a knowledge-based economy with increasingly complex markets, products, and services, employees need time to master their responsibilities. (4)
    • Employee longevity leads to customer loyalty and higher profits. A summary of studies examining the relationship between employee tenure and customer loyalty in several industries, concludes with this assertion:
    " banking, brokering, and auto service, long-term employees create higher customer loyalty. Even in manufacturing, however, where employees rarely meet customers, long-term employees can produce better products, better value for the consumer, and better customer retention." (5)
    A culture of recognition promotes longer employee tenure.

    Why reward employee longevity? Generally, organizations reward those activities they consider important. By rewarding employee longevity, organizations communicate the value they place on longevity.
    Other reasons to reward longevity are related to the fundamental importance of employee recognition in sustaining an organizational culture that employees find desirable. Note that the emphasis is on employees. Longevity awards, like other recognition tools, are only effective if they are meaningful to the recipients.

    Here is the culture-related line of reasoning for rewarding longevity:
    • Employees are highly interested in corporate culture-even before they are hired. A recent survey asked executives, "Other than base salary and bonuses, what do most applicants ask about during job interviews today?" Corporate culture was second only to benefits (see Table 1). (6)

    What Interests Job Applicants
    Benefits 36%
    Corporate culture 34%
    Job security 15%
    Equity opportunities 11%
    Other 4%
    Total 100%

    • Positive workplace culture leads to employee loyalty, as expressed in longevity. Recent research describes a complex relationship between workplace culture and employee loyalty, of which longevity is an important element. The relationship can be expressed by this simplified progression:  (7)

    • Workers place a high value on a workplace culture in which they feel recognized. A study conducted in 1946, 1981, and 1995, asked 1,000 employees to rank order ten rewards in terms of value. In more than four decades, the results have changed little (see Table 2). "Full appreciation of work done" has stayed at the top of the list, well above pay. (8)
    While longevity awards traditionally have not rewarded work quality, the trend now is to consider employees' contributions and make the awards commensurate with performance, i.e., to use these awards as "appreciation for a job well done."

    What Motivates Employees?
                   1946                                                              1995
    1. Full appreciation of work done                    1. Interesting work
    2. Feeling of being in on things                         2. Full appreciation of work done
    3. Sympathetic help with personal problems     3. Feeling of being in on things
    4. Job security                                                 4. Job security
    5. Good wages                                                5. Good wages
    6. Interesting work                                          6. Promotion and growth in the organization
    7. Promotion and growth in the organization     7. Good working conditions
    8. Personal loyalty to employees                      8. Personal loyalty to employees
    9. Good working conditions                             9. Tactful discipline
    10. Tactful discipline                                       10. Sympathetic help with personal problems

    A New Approach to Longevity Awards
    Many award program administrators, cognizant of the important role recognition can play in enhancing corporate culture, are taking a fresh look at longevity awards. When evaluating a longevity award program, administrators tend to focus on the awards themselves. The perception is that improving the awards will automatically improve the program.
    A more effective approach, however, is to consider the outcomes desired from a longevity award program. In most organizations, these can be expressed in terms of two goals: To increase participants' satisfaction with the organization, and to decrease program costs, including the cost of the awards themselves and the cost of administering the program.
    Companies that consider program outcomes when redesigning their longevity award programs are ushering in a new paradigm for employee recognition programs.

    With this approach, longevity award programs are becoming:

    • Integrated. Longevity awards are one component of a comprehensive recognition system.
    • Aligned. All recognition efforts, including longevity award programs, are aligned with overall performance improvement strategies.
    • Measurable. Participant satisfaction with recognition efforts is measured regularly to ensure that programs accomplish desired outcomes.

    An Integrated Approach
    A recent Ernst & Young study found that integrating "employee development or process management practices" was key to achieving measurable success with employee initiatives. (9) In contrast, most corporations operate their longevity award programs as stand-alone initiatives separate from other recognition efforts. Each program requires its own separate award media, program communications, participant database, and administrator.
    Organizations are finding that it makes sense to combine these efforts for several reasons:
    • Participant satisfaction is higher, since employees do not have to contend with redundant communications and rules for several programs.
    • Costs are lower, both for the award media and the administrative tasks that would otherwise be replicated for several separate programs.
    • Employees are able to accumulate award value across programs, allowing them to select the awards they find most desirable.

    An Aligned Approach
    Longevity awards are one tool in the culture-shaping toolbox. When integrated with other employee initiatives such as safety, idea systems, wellness, and others, longevity awards can help companies align individual performance with organizational goals, moving corporate culture in a positive direction.

    A Measurable Approach
    Traditionally, longevity awards have simply awarded tenure. The results of such programs are difficult to measure, since low turnover cannot be correlated directly to employee satisfaction with tenure recognition.
    The new approach, however, contends that not all employees who remain at a company for five years should be equally rewarded. After all, why should those who have stayed five years and achieved sales goals, participated in quality initiatives, and generated cost-saving ideas be rewarded identically with employees who have stayed five years but accomplished nothing notable?
    By connecting individual performance and participation to longevity, companies can reward employees commensurate with their contributions.

    The New Approach vs. the Traditional Approach
    While employee motivation is far more complex than rewards and reinforcement, a simplified model has been formulated for performance improvement applications. This model expresses contemporary motivation theory, and specifically the work of Marvin D. Dunnette, (10) in terms of the four major processes necessary for motivation: communications, training, measurement, and awards. First, a task must be communicated, and employees trained to accomplish it. Results are measured to determine progress toward the goal and overall success of the initiative, and awards are given commensurate with the level of success.
    Table 3 contrasts the traditional approach to longevity awards with the new approach in these four areas:

    • Communications. Traditionally, employees were notified via mail about their impending anniversary date and the opportunity to select a logoed item as an award. Their five-year anniversary might have been the first they heard about the existence of longevity awards. This date typically came and went without any public acknowledgment in the work place.

    Now, progressive companies are making the most of these opportunities by choosing a flexible communications vehicle that allows awards to be changed frequently if necessary, to fit a diverse and changing work force. Award choices for several initiatives may be combined, giving participants an opportunity to accumulate award value for items they truly want. Recognition is given publicly, with mention not only of the person's tenure but also of his or her contributions.
    Recognition-related communications begin with new-hire orientation. Opportunities for recognition, and what they mean in terms of organizational goals and strategies, are clearly communicated.

    • Training. In the past, a supervisor or award program administrator may have handed employees a service award in passing, with an informal verbal acknowledgment. Now, managers are trained to make the recognition more memorable for the employee by publicly acknowledging the individual's accomplishments in a setting appropriate to the individual. The focus is on the person, not on the award.

    • Measurement. One administrator traditionally handled service awards, keeping a database separate from other initiatives. Now, however, attention is being given to the efficiency of combining information from several initiatives to cut program administration costs. The same database tracks performance and participation in addition to tenure so that employees are awarded according to their accomplishments and/or contributions.

    • Awards. Corporations used to provide awards bearing the corporate logo as prizes for tenure. While these still may be appropriate, many employees would prefer to receive a utility item-something that is meaningful to them and that they can use-rather than a piece of jewelry engraved with the corporate logo. With this in mind, companies now offer a wide selection of award choices, recognizing that limited options will not suit a diverse audience. Employees receive awards commensurate with their contributions.

    Furthermore, award selections may be combined with those for other initiatives, giving employees the opportunity to accumulate value across programs. The resulting system is not unlike airline loyalty initiatives, which provide customers a wide variety of opportunities to accumulate travel credits.

    Longevity Awards: The Traditional vs. the New Approach

    Component Traditional New Approach
    Communications Custom award catalog sent to employee's home. Communications do not change to accommodate changes in program. Award selection and presentation often conducted via mail. Communications vehicles flexible to accommodate program changes and support several initiatives. Employee's accomplishments are broadcast throughout organization. Presentation is appropriate to the person and the accomplishment.
    Training Employee's supervisors may or may not be informed of employee's anniversary. If award is presented at work, managers receive little or no direction for presenting the award. Managers are engaged and involved in recognition process. They are trained to identify the individual's accomplishments, to select the best venue for presentation of award, and to focus on the person, not the award.

    Measurement Program administration supports only longevity awards and may replicate efforts of other initiatives. Award database ties performance and participation to tenure, so that employees are awarded commensurate with their accomplishments/contributions. Same database is used for several recognition programs, saving time and money. Participant satisfaction with the recognition process is measured.

    Awards Items are selected based on popularity of past awards. Selection is limited by communications that have already been sent. Employees are given a wide choice of awards, including utility and logoed items. Longevity awards may be integrated with other award opportunities, giving employees the ability to accumulate award value for meaningful awards.

    Ten Ways to Maximize Longevity Awards for Performance Improvement
    Here are ten recommendations organizations can use to leverage a longevity award program, as a key component of a comprehensive recognition system, for performance improvement:

    1. Focus on the satisfaction of participants. Conduct research to determine current attitudes toward employee recognition programs. This provides a baseline measurement against which to gauge future improvements.
    2. Make sure each recognition initiative supports corporate strategies. Corporate alignment is key to bringing about positive changes in corporate culture.
    3. Target specific, measurable outcomes. While longevity programs are not generally tied to ROI, comprehensive recognition systems can be linked to specific, measurable corporate strategies.
    4. Integrate longevity awards with other employee initiatives. This reduces the administrative burden for managers and the communication overload for employees. By combining award opportunities, organizations can offer more award selections and allow employees to accumulate award value for more meaningful awards.
    5. Communicate employee recognition throughout the organization. Use internal publications, meetings, and bulletin boards to broadcast people's accomplishments and contributions.
    6. Give managers the tools they need to recognize individuals. Managers typically are not comfortable with their ability to give recognition. With some basic training, however, they can create memorable recognition presentations
    7. Realize that recognition is part of a larger process. Successful recognition programs involve numerous elements: communications, training, database management, administration (customer service), award selection and fulfillment, and program evaluation, to name a few.
    8. Award people commensurate with performance, not based solely on tenure. By doing so, organizations can use longevity awards to drive corporate strategies.
    9. Provide a wide selection of tangible awards. Be sure the award selection satisfies the greatest diversity of individuals.
    10. Do not wait five years to recognize employees. Begin recognition as soon as employees contribute to the organization. An integrated recognition system makes this easy.

    In spite of shorter average job tenures, the importance of longevity awards shows few signs of diminishing. Instead, longevity awards are changing to meet the needs of changing organizations. Longevity award programs remain an important tool for employee recognition. The key is to focus is on the satisfaction of award recipients and on supporting corporate strategies, not on the awards themselves.
    By integrating longevity award programs with other recognition efforts, organizations can ensure that all the efforts are aligned to accomplish performance improvement strategies. This new approach to employee recognition can play a primary role in sustaining a positive corporate culture, ensuring it is one in which people will want to work for a long time.

    Steven Geiger, Ph.D., a licensed psychologist, is divisional vice president of the Learning Systems Group, the BI Consulting Group, and the Marketing Group at BI Performance Services. He has applied his skills to a broad base of employee issues for the past 16 years. Doug Kitrell is Marketing Manager, Recognition Services, BI Performance Services. For more than 13 years he has developed programs that recognize performance in consumer, distribution, and corporate environments.

    1 American Management Association fax poll for the Wall Street Journal, 1995.
    2 Gorman, Tom. Multipreneuring. Fireside, 1996, p. 24.
    3 According to the latest figures available, the median tenure of employees in their current jobs in 1991 was 4.5.
    4 Potentials in Marketing, August 1994, vol. 27, No. 8, p. 60-63.
    5 Reichheld, Frederick F. The Loyalty Effect. Harvard Business School Press, 1996, p. 101.
    6 "People and Their Jobs: What's Real, What's Rhetoric?" A 1995 survey by Kepner-Tregoe completed by 611 managers and 905 workers.
    7 An extensive bibliography supports this progression. The following are two key sources:
    Bolton, R. N. and J. H. Drew. "A longitudinal analysis of the impact of service changes on customer attitudes," Journal of Marketing, Jan. 1991, pp. 1-9.
    Mathieu, J. E. and Zajac, D. M. "A review and meta-analysis of the antecedents, correlates and consequences of organizational commitment," Psychological Bulletin, Sept. 1990, 171-94.
    8 Kovach, Kenneth A. "Employee motivation: Addressing a crucial factor in your organization's performance," Employment Relations Today, Summer 1995, pp. 93-107.
    9 Mavrinac, Sarah C. and Neil R. Jones. Competitive Renewal through Workplace Innovation. Ernst & Young, 1995.
    10 Dunnette, Marvin D. Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. John Wiley & Sons, 1983.

    For more information, contact RCB Awards at 800-929-9110.