Posted by Curt Denevan:
Do you have to make an award presentation and want some suggestions on how to make a positive impact?
I. Use the following suggestions to help you convey an appropriate message of recognition:
- Be personal; be yourself; be sincere.
- Everybody feels they've contributed something; given a little thought you can bring this out.
- What may seem like a chore can be a very big thing for the recipient; you can make it bigger!
II. Make it a positive, cheerful occasion that evokes a feeling of emotion and acceptance from the recipient:
- Pick a time that avoids unusual stress or time limitations. Be spontaneous.
- Do it in a place away from the operations of the job.
- Invite friends and associates who know the recipient well.
- Talk to the recipient in a personal way that's comfortable for you, yet shows an understanding of the recipients feelings.
III. Try to include contributions to the immediate department goals such as:- Suggestions employee made in improving department operation and performance.
- Extra time given to finish a job or keep on top of on-going workload.
- A good attitude that makes fellow workers feel like part of the team.
IV. Talk about things that have happened during the employee's years with the company such as:- The Company's growth, new products, new equipment, new people.
- The individual's performance as related to skills developed, promotions earned, other awards received.
- Community activities, special events, or growth activities in the community.
V. Use information available within the Company:
- Personnel departments usually have company and community events information you may not have about the recipient.
- Fellow workers might know personal stories about the recipient. You can probably also think of a few ideas from your own personal relationship.
- Family or spouse are good sources of information to off the job interests and activities.
VI. Talk about the future of the individual and company (in a one on one presentation), and how they should continue together:
- Find out the employee's goals and ambitions.
- Talk about how the employee can contribute to company's future growth and development.
- Tell how the recipient can help with future department objectives.
For more information about corporate recognition programs, see the website:
Corporate Recognition Programs.