We give an award to the top sales guy, to the person with 25 years of service, to the truck driver with 1 million miles without a chargeable accident. We believe in the power of recognition. The why we do it may seem obvious, but it is a lot more than that.

We use recognition to:

  • Create a culture within the company that affects every attitude.

  • Say thanks and applaud success.

  • Teach others what we as an organization want to achieve.

  • Increase retention of employees.

  • Support Mission and Values.

  • Engage employees.

  • Encourage loyalty.

  • Increase customer satisfaction.

  • In summation, we believe in using recognition everyday to improve the bottom line. If that's important to you, then we're speaking the same language. Come with us on this journey.

    Take a look at the topics we have and see if we can help you with your recognition programs.

  • Need ideas for wording on an awards? See the Thesaurus.

  • Want to implement a sales award program but need to present the concept to management? Check out Sales Awards: An Overview.

  • Want to know the inside scoop on the Lombardi Trophy or the Oscars? Take a look at our ongoing series on Famous Awards.

  • Talk to us. We are here to help you.

    Tuesday, January 8, 2013

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    Interactive Donor Walls bring a whole new dimension to donor recognition.

    With 25 menus that we can customize, video that is embedded, donor stories, Gifts in Action, Major Donor Profiles and annual donor lists, this dynamic and easy to update system allows the college to have a strong tool in cultivating donors. An interesting attractor loop runs when not in use, and serves to draw interest. Once the interactive screen is touched, it comes alive with the main menu. Working through the information, users find how philanthropy has been an important force, what has been accomplished with these major gifts, and how the college uses the funds. There is even a fun quiz about campus life! A tab for alumni highlights the importance of giving after students leave the college and enter the working world.

    The installation is in an old display case. The front is glass, with a film on the inside that is back lit allowing the  campus scene to glow. It's pretty dramatic.