We give an award to the top sales guy, to the person with 25 years of service, to the truck driver with 1 million miles without a chargeable accident. We believe in the power of recognition. The why we do it may seem obvious, but it is a lot more than that.

We use recognition to:

  • Create a culture within the company that affects every attitude.

  • Say thanks and applaud success.

  • Teach others what we as an organization want to achieve.

  • Increase retention of employees.

  • Support Mission and Values.

  • Engage employees.

  • Encourage loyalty.

  • Increase customer satisfaction.

  • In summation, we believe in using recognition everyday to improve the bottom line. If that's important to you, then we're speaking the same language. Come with us on this journey.

    Take a look at the topics we have and see if we can help you with your recognition programs.

  • Need ideas for wording on an awards? See the Thesaurus.

  • Want to implement a sales award program but need to present the concept to management? Check out Sales Awards: An Overview.

  • Want to know the inside scoop on the Lombardi Trophy or the Oscars? Take a look at our ongoing series on Famous Awards.

  • Talk to us. We are here to help you.

    Monday, August 29, 2011

    Time to Ramp Up Recognition

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    Let's face it: The past several years have been challenging. Employees that have a job are stressed out. More often than not they are doing the work of several people. Their supervisor runs around mumbling "be glad you've got a job" and things of that nature. Employers are often sending a message to employees, and not the one that is intended.

    2.6 million jobs were lost in 2008. Everyone knows people out of work, friends and family both. In May of 2009, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate had risen to 9.4%. Across the board, Americans felt losses of income, employment, wholesale-retail sales, and industrial production. It might be a natural conclusion that companies would take this opportunity to trim expenses, including employee recognition programs whose ROI are hard to track.

    The reality is that this is far from the case. While it is difficult to track the return on investment, recognition programs clearly have a positive effect on employee morale and cutting these programs would cause that to plummet.

    A recent study showed that 75 percent of HR managers indicated they are maintaining their employee recognition programs. This is even though they are cutting the budget in other areas of the company. Another 5% indicated they had increased their recognition budget. This is done while knowing that further layoffs are coming and these cuts will impact productivity levels.

    In order to measure success metrics, companies recognize that they need to have employee recognition programs in place. To make your employee recognition program successful, measurable and personal, you need to start with the end result in mind. How can your company business strategy be linked to recognition in a measurable manner? This is key, and doesn't require complicated analysis. Senior management needs to buy into your recognition program and lead the way. If you want to improve employee satisfaction by 6%, then find a metric that can be measured and use that to drill down to get results. Since "employee satisfaction" isn't readily measurable, look instead at employee participation levels and other indicators of employee engagement that you have. Recognition programs are key indicators of employee participation. Identifying key supervisors that are lacking in recognition training becomes apparent when measuring participation levels. Those that are giving recognition regularly have higher participation and satisfaction levels. 

    Another measurable metric is manager utilization of recognition. You may set a target of 75% manager utilization. If your managers understand and use recognition, they are more likely to take advantage of a system to practice giving it. With that system in place, you can see which managers are using the recognition system and which are not. 

    Next step is to analyze your existing programs and identify which ones are working and which ones are not. Use employee surveys and ask employees directly what kinds of treatment they like and what they don't. Various firms offer surveys in cultural assessment and can offer cost effective surveys that will deliver on the spot metric results.

    Implementing the right program is a key step to making recognition strategic and allow you to capture employee recognition activity in an efficient maner. Depending on the programs involved, you may want to outsource the administration of the program. Recognition nominations and reward redemptions may need to be on an outsourced platform if your staff can not support it. Don't tackle projects that you can not support long term.

    As you study your metrics and understand the results, what does the data tell you about the workforce and employee recognition? Your data has to be measurable. How many employees were nominated in the month of July for the Mentoring Award? If you have a formal system in place to track this, it is possible to assess participation rates by managers and employees. This data can then be correlated to employee engagement to assess participation rates. 

    Measure employee attitudes with straightforward survey questions. Make sure your employees feel empowered and free to answer and express their true thoughts in a open and candid maner.  We have seen the best success from companies that have:

    • a framework for strategy
    • have executive buy in
    • the systems in place to capture data and effectively measure their employee recognition practices for ROI justification. 

    Measurement of recognition metrics will also show employee accomplishments and areas for employee improvement. When the time comes to evaluate, having the data is the key to success.

    Do you struggle with ROI on employee recognition programs? One area to look at is comparing the production of the long-term employee with the cost to attract, recruit, train and retrain a new employee. Employee turnover costs and retention rates are quantifiable. You can use this as you look at justifying length of service recognition programs and the value to the organization. 

    Employees like recognition. It can be a pat on the back, a formal thank you, a group presentation, an incentive, a gift or a symbolic award. If you have the opportunity to upgrade your recognition, now is a good time. Success is measured by the stories we hear, the data that is produced, the money saved, the talent we train and the smiles on our employees' faces during this recession. This proves why we need recognition programs.  

    Friday, August 26, 2011

    Plaque Phrases and Sayings for Award Presentations

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    Click the title for a great collection from the Awards and Recognition Association about phrases for common award situations and sample layouts for plaques.

    Monday, July 18, 2011

    On-The-Spot Recognition Programs: Instant Awards Points Cards

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    Are you looking for ways of implementing an on-the-spot recognition program, but need an easy way to implement the program and still control the budget? Here you go!
    • Review your program goals and objectives.
    • Key in on a handful of meaningful targets that can be implemented.
    • Determine your budget.
    • Establish the timeline.
    • Prepare communications: announcement, tracking and follow up.
    • Order recognition cards in denominations that fit your budget.
    • When you catch someone doing something right, present them with a card!
    • Watch what happens next. The recipient can go to the website and cash in right away, or they can save them up and cash them in all at once.
    • Each card has a unique award code, unique to that card, so it can only be used once.
    • They have no expiration date nor additional fees and are available in denominations of $1, $3, $5, 10, $15, $20, 25, $50, $100.
    • Orders arrive in 10-14 business days.
    • Unused points are kept in the employee points account for future purchases.
    • Points cards are password protected for security.
    How can you make sure the program is successful?
    • Let them know what you are recognizing. Be specific. What they did to be recognized?
    • Connect their behavior to the organization's values and mission.
    • Recognize how the behavior represents the employee's best qualities, such as integrity, dedication, or accountability.

    Here are just a few reasons to recognize an employee on-the-spot with an Instant Award Points Card.
    • Always willing to help another employee
    • Taking initiative when needed
    • Making it happen
    • Stepping up and leading
    • Providing outstanding customer service
    • Sharing new ideas
    • Having a fantastic attitude
    • Having a positive approach to a problem
    • Being resourceful in accomplishing goals
    • Meeting a deadline on time
    • Going above and beyond expectations
    • Contributing to a project's success
    • Staying the course
    • Being a team player
    • Exhibiting dedication day in and day out
    • Acting as a mentor
    • Showing a can-do spirit
    • Thinking out of the box
    • Consideration of others
    For more information, contact RCB at 800-929-9110.  RCB Awards

    Wednesday, July 6, 2011

    Its All About The Ring

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    The world of professional sports has the one ultimate goal defining success for an athlete. The Ring. The Championship Ring. 

    In spite of the NFL lockout, the presentation of the Championship Rings to the Green Bay Packers players, staff and executives was an event that was not going to be missed. The team got special permission from the NFL to hold the event, and all but three players were in attendance (one was in the delivery room with his wife).  Charles Woodson played for a lot of dreadful teams over the years, and it was always his dream to win the Ring. Executive Mark Murphy talked about how the Ring symbolizes the Packers championship tradition in excellent fashion.

    Clearly the pride of winning the biggest prize of them all is evident in the smiles, and even the peace pipe that owners and players smoked during this truce in the NFL war. Contrast this with the far out attitude of Mark Cuban, NBA owner, whose Dallas Mavericks just won the NBA Championship. While his players, coaches and front office staff were clearly looking forward to getting a ring, he burst everyone's bubble with the announcement that there would be no ring for the NBA World Champions. Perhaps a Championship Bracelet, he suggested? The team, not a single one of which had ever won a championship ring, were all opposed to this. To a player, they all scoffed at Cuban's notion that a ring was old school and thus no longer relevant. He said he wants to take it to the next level, with something different. I don't think so!

    Athletes want the Ring. Owners want the Ring (well, most), and staff want the ring. The NFL pays $5,000 per ring, up to 150 rings, and the teams pick up any additional cost. The 4 marquis diamonds on the Packers ring represent 4 World Championships. 13 diamonds in the G represent each of the 13 NFL Championships. The 92 smaller diamonds represent the 92 year history of the club. Lambeau Field is on one shank, the Lombardi Trophy is on the other. The players jersey number is circled, just like on the first jersey the team wore. The inside of the ring is engraved Mind, Goal, Purpose, Heart, which was the inspirational motto of the team. The rings are made of platinum, with 14K gold, and weigh 116 grams. Wow! Fans can order their own version of the ring, also made by Jostens, at the Packers Pro Shop.

    It's all about the ring. Don't doubt this. After 14 seasons for Charles Woodson, it just doesn't get any sweeter than this.

    Friday, June 24, 2011

    The Right Presentation can make all the Difference

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    The Fundamentals of an Effective Presentation

    Why is a presentation necessary? By establishing an employee recognition program within your company, you demonstrate that you know recognition is a powerful leadership tool. It makes a statement to your employees about what is important to the business and what is valued by the leaders within the company. It is also one of the most effective ways to reinforce an organization’s culture, support its objectives and retain top performers.
    An effective recognition program achieves the following:
    • Builds self-esteem
    • Reinforces desired behaviors
    • Helps create an atmosphere of appreciation and trust
    • Promotes empowerment and involvement
    • Creates loyalty to the company
    Who should be present?  Imagine training long hours for a big race and then winning first place, only you aren’t allowed to tell anyone about your victory. Our achievements in life, no matter how small, are more meaningful to us when we share them with others. Keep this in mind when deciding who will be at the recognition event. The presentation will have much more impact if the associate is recognized in front of his/her peers (and senior management and additional guests if a more formal presentation is planned). The appropriate peer recognition will generate excitement for others to also strive for the high goals of achievement and recognition. 

    Remember to make the presentation upbeat, fun and to the point. Your preparation will make the event a memorable Magic Moment for all. 

    What will the presenter say? The most important thing to remember is that the presentation should be personal. Consider the flowing when preparing what you will say:
    •  Address the associate by name.
    • Research the important information including years of service, accomplishments and contributions prior to the presentation.
    • Share a work-related short story or anecdote if appropriate, but always avoid embarrassing jokes or other comments that may make the associate uncomfortable.
    • Communicate how honored you are to have the opportunity to recognize him or her.
    • Congratulate the associate, say “thank you” and shake his or her hand.

    Where will the presentation take place? Whether you are planning a casual or more formal presentation, the event is important and can be a powerful management tool towards developing increased commitment to the company’s vision and core values. You can recognize an associate at his or her work place, or, if desired, in a more formal setting like a banquet hall. Keep in mind the number of people who will be attending the event and plan the location accordingly. Whatever the setting, however, remember that this should be a special occasion for the associate and his/her peer group.

    When should the presentation occur? There is no specific time of year to hold a recognition event because it should take place at a “special time” for your company. Most companies, however, hold an annual event to recognize their associates. Once a year is an optimal time to guarantee that milestones don’t go unnoticed while still ensuring the event remains “special” instead of an everyday occurrence. Whenever you plan to hold your event(s), remember to recognize important milestones like the following:
    •  Years of Service (usually 1 year, 5 year, 10 year, etc)
    •  Significant performance accomplishments
    •  Goal Achievements
    •  Going Above and Beyond
    For more information on recognition programs, see our website at: RCB or call 800-929-9110.

    Recognize, Reward & Retain

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    Marquis Service Award Program:
    Imagine - No setup or administration hassles, no late or broken gifts, happy smiling faces, constant praise and respect from your boss, rave reviews from your employees...sound's not.

    The Marquis Service Award Program will blow your employees away. It's a strategic employee recognition program that recognizes, inspires and motivates every employee in today's diversity-rich workplace.

    The Marquis Service Award program offers 19 plateau (fixed price) levels. Fixed pricing allows you to control and manage your program without the risk of going over budget.

    Almost 100 useful and desirable awards are offered in each of the 19 price levels to give your employees the largest choice of name brand items in the industry.

    Awards are separated into 7 distinct lifestyle categories:
    • Electronics
    • Watches & Pens
    • Traditional
    • Jewelry
    • Gourmet
    • Home & Leisure
    • Outdoor/Recreation
    Program Features of the Marquis Service Awards:
    • Internet capabilities, including a complete Marquis Website Program, on-line ordering and reporting features are as simple as a click of the mouse.
    • 23 Personal Recognition Options (PRO SERIES), make it easy to tailor a program to your specific needs, company culture and traditions.
    • Standard and/or customized reports are available to measure the success of your program.
    • Flexible administration gives you the ability to control and manage the entire program yourself or outsource it completely to us. 
    • Awards can be bulk shipped to your work site for a presentation event, or mailed to recipients' homes for convenience.
    • The fastest award shipping in the industry allows for immediate gratification and a more effective program.
    • All awards are unconditionally guaranteed for 100% customer satisfaction and against manufacturer defects with a hassle-free returns-no questions asked for 1 full year.
    Let a member of our professionally trained and experienced account management team participate and guide you in the design of your program. Call us at 800-929-9110.


    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    4 High-Impact Applications that are designed to reduce accidents, increase awareness, and save you money:
    ·     Stamp Programs
    ·     Point Programs
    ·     Webpoint Programs
    ·     Milestone Programs

    Extensive research has shown us that successful programs are comprised of 10 Elements that achieve top-of-mind safety awareness. Our safety incentive programs are custom designed to include all 10 of these elements:
    ·     Simple & Well Defined Rules
    ·     Accrual Design
    ·     Short-Term Recognition Periods
    ·     Individual Recognition
    ·     Human Interaction & Peer Recognition
    ·     Useful & Desirable Awards
    ·     Family Involvement
    ·     Immediate Gratification
    ·     Positive Reinforcement & Continuous Communication
     ·     Management Support

    Our programs are designed to fit any budget and culture and maximize your investment.

    For every $1 invested in an effective workplace safety program, $4 to $6 is saved.
    -American Society of Safety Engineers
    The financial burden of serious workplace injuries is costing U.S. businesses nearly $1 Billion per week and is rising.
    -2004 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index
    96% of all workplace accidents are triggered by unsafe behavior.
    -Occupational Health & Safety Magazine

    An effective overall safety program will include:
    ·     Training
    ·     Safety Incentive Program
    ·     Environment
    RCB can help you Decrease accidents, Increase safety awareness, and Improve your bottom line.

    1.  STAMPS - High-Touch/Low-Tech
    2.  POINTS - Virtually No Administration
    3.  MILESTONES - Recognizes One-Time Events
    4.  WEBPOINTS PROGRAM* - Password Protected Websites Customized to Fit Your Program
    *Includes automated point calculations, enhanced multi-level reporting and capabilities that allow you to track, measure and compare safety performance metrics. 

    For more information, go to the website: Corporate Recognition Programs.

    CONTACT US FOR FREE SAFETY AWARENESS BOOK: The Missing Link, Proven techniques that can save your company millions of dollars in less than 12 months by Chuck Davis. 800-929-9110.

    Tuesday, April 12, 2011

    Short RCB Promo

    A short video to showcase RCB. Light the torch.

    For more information, contact RCB Awards at 1-800-929-9110.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Guidelines for Award Presenters

    Posted by Curt Denevan: 
    Do you have to make an award presentation and want some suggestions on how to make a positive impact?

    I. Use the following suggestions to help you convey an appropriate message of recognition:
    • Be personal; be yourself; be sincere.
    • Everybody feels they've contributed something; given a little thought you can bring this out.
    • What may seem like a chore can be a very big thing for the recipient; you can make it bigger!
    II. Make it a positive, cheerful occasion that evokes a feeling of emotion and acceptance from the recipient:
    • Pick a time that avoids unusual stress or time limitations. Be spontaneous.
    • Do it in a place away from the operations of the job.
    • Invite friends and associates who know the recipient well.
    • Talk to the recipient in a personal way that's comfortable for you, yet shows an understanding of the recipients feelings. 
    III. Try to include contributions to the immediate department goals such as:
    • Suggestions employee made in improving department operation and performance.
    • Extra time given to finish a job or keep on top of on-going workload.
    • A good attitude that makes fellow workers feel like part of the team.
    IV. Talk about things that have happened during the employee's years with the company such as:
    • The Company's growth, new products, new equipment, new people.
    • The individual's performance as related to skills developed, promotions earned, other awards received.
    • Community activities, special events, or growth activities in the community.
    V. Use information available within the Company:
    • Personnel departments usually have company and community events information you may not have about the recipient.
    • Fellow workers might know personal stories about the recipient. You can probably also think of a few ideas from your own personal relationship.
    • Family or spouse are good sources of information to off the job interests and activities.
    VI. Talk about the future of the individual and company (in a one on one presentation), and how they should continue together:
    • Find out the employee's goals and ambitions.
    • Talk about how the employee can contribute to company's future growth and development.
    • Tell how the recipient can help with future department objectives.
    For more information about corporate recognition programs, see the website: Corporate Recognition Programs.

      Thursday, March 10, 2011

      Kentucky Derby Trophy

      Recognition Review, May, 1998
      A Thoroughbred Trophy
      By Stacy MacTaggert, Assistant Editor
      While the Kentucky Derby may be known as "The Run for the Roses," everyone knows what the racers really want to be holding in their hands at the end of the race: that shiny, gold Kentucky Derby trophy. The most well-known contest in the international horse racing circuit, the Kentucky Derby is held annually on the first Saturday in May. This year marks its 124th year. The legendary Churchill Downs in Louisville, Ky., is the only track on which the Derby has been run. The Derby is the first in a triumvirate of the sport's most prestigious races - collectively known as the Triple Crown - that also includes the Preakness and the Belmont Stakes. Although the Belmont Stakes is the oldest race, the Derby is generally considered the most prestigious. "It is the longest continuously run sporting event in America," says Lane Gold of Churchill Downs. Also, since it's the first race in the Triple Crown, it tends to get a lot of attention. This year more than 130,000 people will see the race firsthand with millions more watching on television.

      The Kentucky Derby track is 1-1/4 miles and takes about two minutes to run. In fact, there has only been one horse to run the track in less than two minutes: Secretariat, who finished in 1:59 2/5 in 1973. A maximum of 20 entrants is allowed; should there be too many registered, preference would be given to horses who have won higher earnings in the graded sweepstakes races leading up to the Derby. Horses must be 3-year-old thoroughbreds and, says Gold, "You have to be a Triple Crown-nominated horse to run." Generally the owners nominate their own horses to run in the three events.

      Churchill Downs and its Derby Days are synonymous with many traditions, such as mint juleps and the wreath of roses draped around the winning horse's neck. But one of the finest - and newest - traditions in the Derby is the presentation of the Kentucky Derby trophy.

      Spun Gold
      The first Derby trophy was presented in 1924, making it a relative newcomer to the steeped traditions of the blueblood racing crowd. Prior to then, the winners received a silver plate, cup or bowl - there was no set prize. But for the race's 50th anniversary, Churchill Downs' president held a contest to design a 14-karat gold permanent trophy for the winner. Louisville's oldest retail firm, Lemon & Son Jewelers, won the contest with its design of an intricate gold cup and figure. The trophy was designed by George Louis Graff, and Lemon & Son has made the trophy since winning the contest. And just like Southern traditions, not a lot has changed. "It's made the same way it always has been," says Gary Rossenberg, Lemon & Son's general manager. "They use the same original dies that we made in 1924." The only changes to design were for the Derby's 75th and 100th anniversary cups, when jewels were added to the cup. Otherwise the base is the only part of the trophy to change: It used to be made of marble; now it's jade.

      The trophy's main body is an 8-inch-diameter covered cup made of 14-karat spun gold. Sitting atop the cup is a horse and jockey. The cup and figure are 17 inches tall and sit on a jade base, bringing the trophy to 22 inches and about 3-1/2 pounds. The manufacturing process begins with a round sheet of 14-karat gold placed in a lathe to create the cup. "The cup is the hardest part to make," Rossenberg says. "It's a process called spinning; the gold is shaped around a series of cones and bowls." The spinning process is a very delicate operation; if the temperature is changed even the slightest during the process, the gold will crack - forcing Lemon & Son to begin anew. This has only happened once, in 1987. But spinning is important because it gives the gold its shiny appearance. "If you were to cast it, you wouldn't get that finish," says Rossenberg.

      The trim - which comprises the handles, rim and stem of the cup - is cast in 18-karat gold and hand-fitted to the cup. After the trim is applied, it is hand-engraved to enhance the detail. The top plate where the figure stands is 14-karat green gold, as is the lotus flower on the trophy's base. The horse and jockey are made of solid 18-karat gold with a special hand finish. "It takes about six months to make because of all the different aspects to it," says Rossenberg. He estimates almost 1,000 man hours go into the trophy's manufacturing, the cup demanding the greatest part of that. During the manufacturing process, approximately 40 percent of the original gold is lost through fillings, engraving, polishing and shrinking. When completed, the trophy is given a home in a lined mahogany box, to be engraved after the race is won.

      Trophy Travails
      Lemon & Son also makes three smaller sterling silver versions of the Derby trophy. These are presented to the jockey, the trainer and the breeder. Many people think that the jockey receives the gold trophy; but it is actually given to the owner of the winning horse. The large trophy is worth about $67,000 this year; the price fluctuates based on the value of gold. The sterling silver trophies are worth about $5,000 each, says Rossenberg.
      At such a high value, you can be sure that two security guards follow the trophy wherever it goes. On the day of the Derby, Lemon & Son brings the trophy to Churchill Downs and locks it up - guarded, of course - in the office of Churchill Downs' president. Only when it is time to make the winning presentation does the trophy emerge into the daylight on that first Saturday in May. But even such diligent protection can't prevent mishaps from occurring, says Rossenberg. One year, the governor of Kentucky stepped up to the dais to present the trophy to the winner - and promptly dropped the priceless cup, leaving a big dent. "They gave it back to us and we repaired it," says Rossenberg. The 1937 trophy is on display at the Kentucky Derby Museum in Louisville, saved from disgrace after being found in a pawn shop in New Orleans. "They had stripped all the gold off," Rossenberg says. "They even rubbed the winner's name off the plate. The only way we knew who it belonged to is we put a serial number on the cup." Lemon & Son took the naked trophy, fixed it up and gave it to the museum.

      A Permanent Award
      Luckily, most cups make it to their new owners without a scratch. The horse owners this year will be competing not only for the chance to hold aloft that shiny trophy, but also for a winning purse of $1 million, of which the winner takes $700,000. That's a far cry from the first Derby winnings: $2,850 in 1875. The second-place winner takes $170,000, third place $85,000, and fourth place $45,000. The stakes are high, as is the fee to enter a horse in the Kentucky Derby: $15,000. But it's worth it to thoroughbred owners and jockeys; the Kentucky Derby has always been a place where the "most exciting two minutes in sports" have led to numerous records being broken and history being made. For example, only three fillies have ever won the Derby. And since 1919, only 11 horses have swept the Triple Crown, winning the Kentucky Derby, Preakness and Belmont Stakes. The legendary Secretariat, a name even nonhorseracing fans will recognize, is one of the 11.
      And this year on May 2, with millions watching, one lucky and talented horse will nose across the finish line before any other - and while fresh red roses rain down from the stands, the thankful owner will sidestep the sweet petals as he takes the coveted Kentucky Derby trophy. After all, flowers do wilt - and you can't drink champagne from them.
      © 1998, Awards and Recognition Association
      For more information, contact RCB Awards at 1-800-929-9110.

      Friday, February 11, 2011

      RCB Awards acquires Brookfield Awards

      RCB announced that they have recently completely the acquisition of Brookfield Awards, a 40 year old engraving and award company. This complements the corporate awards programs that RCB provides for sales recognition, length of service recognition and safety awards. RCB is a leader in the area of crystal etching, plaques and name badges. They specialize in corporate ring programs and emblematic jewelry. Brookfield Awards joins RCB.

      Thursday, January 6, 2011


      20 to 35% loss in redemptive value
      Taxable on W-2
      Purchases Taxable when redeemed

      Low motivation
      Low anticipation
      Low visual accumulating effect

      No sharing family involvement
      No sharing of group involvement
      No sharing of individual’s results

      No flexibility for quarterly emphasis
      No flexibility for on the spot recognition
      No flexibility for special awareness

      Cash is compensation, an entitlement, not Recognition
      Cash has no memory value
      Cash has no trophy value

      For more information, contact RCB Awards at 1-800-929-9110.