We give an award to the top sales guy, to the person with 25 years of service, to the truck driver with 1 million miles without a chargeable accident. We believe in the power of recognition. The why we do it may seem obvious, but it is a lot more than that.

We use recognition to:

  • Create a culture within the company that affects every attitude.

  • Say thanks and applaud success.

  • Teach others what we as an organization want to achieve.

  • Increase retention of employees.

  • Support Mission and Values.

  • Engage employees.

  • Encourage loyalty.

  • Increase customer satisfaction.

  • In summation, we believe in using recognition everyday to improve the bottom line. If that's important to you, then we're speaking the same language. Come with us on this journey.

    Take a look at the topics we have and see if we can help you with your recognition programs.

  • Need ideas for wording on an awards? See the Thesaurus.

  • Want to implement a sales award program but need to present the concept to management? Check out Sales Awards: An Overview.

  • Want to know the inside scoop on the Lombardi Trophy or the Oscars? Take a look at our ongoing series on Famous Awards.

  • Talk to us. We are here to help you.

    Wednesday, February 29, 2012

    Employee Engagement

    Posted by Curt Denevan:

    I have a dream. Come with me on this journey.

    • Employees spring out of bed excited to go to work each day.
    • 87% are more likely to stay in their jobs.
    • Managers seek to bring out the strengths of employees, not to harp on the weaknesses.
    • 70% more likely to be nice to customers.
    • Authentic recognition results in behavior that is social, strategic and powerful.
    • Profitability increases at the firm.
    • Engagement strengthens relationships at work. Work is social. Its about people.
    • Progress is visible at work, demonstrating the key to motivation.
    • Energy drives us: Spiritual, physical, emotional and mental. Energy is caught up in a mission that is greater than ourselves.
    • Engaged employees formulate the results the company should be seeking. Powerful results matter to managers, organizations, employees and customers.
    • Managers figure out how to make top performance worthy of employees' attention and provide feedback that is heard and followed by those employees.
    • Work is meaningful. Managers know this will sustain, engage and enrich people.
    • Magic Moments are nurtured. Make the most of these Magic Moments when managers engage with employees. Every connection you make, every day, has the potential to become a low point or a high point in someone's day. Make it a high point.
    • Toxic aspects of the workplace are eliminated. Employees are allowed to find a sense of well-being at work so they leave each day enlightened, not depleted.
    I have a dream. That this will touch everyone.

    Check out the short video from The Employee Engagement Network.